Sensitive skin

Finding relief for sensitive skin with Cuticura

Sensitive skin is not a skin type but rather refers to skin that is easily aggravated or more susceptible to inflammation. Understanding this distinction is key to unlocking the secrets of effective skincare products tailored to your skin’s unique needs.

What is sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin, much like a fingerprint, is unique to each individual, representing a spectrum of symptoms from burning and swelling to itchiness and stinging that irritate your skin. In certain instances, persistent sensitive skin symptoms might be indicative of an underlying skin condition such as eczema, known for its association with dry, itchy skin, or rosacea, characterised by redness and swelling.

What causes sensitive skin?

At the frontline of protection is your skin’s moisture barrier, often referred to as the lipid barrier. Think of it as a guardian – keeping the good stuff in (like hydration) and the bad stuff out (environmental irritants). 

When this barrier weakens, irritants penetrate the skin, triggering inflammation and allowing precious moisture to escape. Essentially, a compromised moisture barrier lies at the heart of sensitive skin symptoms.

In some cases, people are genetically more susceptible to sensitive skin. Getting older can also make you more predisposed to heightened skin sensitivity because the lipid barrier naturally weakens over time. 

Discover soothing solutions for sensitive skin

Bear in mind that your skin’s protective barrier is delicate and can easily be upset by external stressors like low temperatures or hot water. Harsh chemicals and intense exfoliants can also strip away your skin’s protective layer. The solution? Embrace simplicity in both your product choices and skincare routine.

People with sensitive skin should opt for gentle cleansers and nourishing products that honour the skin’s delicate balance. And remember to be patient when introducing new products to your skincare regime; your skin might worsen before improving as it purges and seeks balance.

Cuticura: Skin products for sensitive skin

Cuticura understands that sensitive skin requires specialised care, therefore, our products are designed to provide relief and long-term support for sensitive skin. The first step to easing sensitive skin is to wash your face in the mornings and evenings (or after working up a sweat) with a mild cleanser. 

Step 1

  • Cuticura Gentle Hygiene Face Wash gently cleanses your skin to remove dirt and prevent breakouts. With added vitamin E, this face wash will leave your skin nourished and cared for.
  • Cuticura Hygiene Body Bar Soap (175g) is mild enough for daily use on your body and contains vitamin E. There is also the Cuticura Hygiene Face Bar Soap (100g) to help you get smooth and soft skin on your face. 

After washing your face, air dry your skin or gently pat it with a clean towel. This is especially important for people with sensitive skin because rubbing your face with a dry towel can disrupt the protective moisture barrier and cause flare-ups of issues like redness and itchiness.

Step 2

Moisturising is the next step in caring for sensitive skin. This will help to restore the protective layer that keeps irritants at bay, in other words – the barrier that battles skin sensitivity.

  • Cuticura Sensitive Body Creme – Ultra Hydration (450ml) is a body cream for sensitive skin that is dermatologically approved. Its unique formula contains three times the glycerine of other Cuticura Body Cremes to help transform dry and damaged skin. Plus, it is fragrance and colourant-free with a quick-absorbing formulation for 24-hour moisturisation.
  • Cuticura Sensitive Body Creme – Soothe & Hydrate (450ml) holds the endorsement of dermatologists and is designed with a focus on sensitivity – as a result, it is also fragrance and colourant-free.  The quick-absorbing formulation nourishes and delivers 24-hour hydration, offering gentle and effective care for people with sensitive skin.

What can I do to support my sensitive skin? 

Wear sunscreen: Wearing sunscreen is crucial for healthy skin, especially for those with photosensitivity, where the skin reacts intensely to UV rays. Choose a product with SPF 15 or higher and broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays, and don’t forget to reapply sunscreen if you’re in the sun all day.

If you’ve gotten a bit sunburnt, you can apply some of our Cuticura Ointment – a reliable solution to soothe and heal your skin.

Patch test wisdom: Every skin is unique. So, to avoid potential irritations, conduct a patch test before fully embracing new face products for sensitive skin.

Dermatologist insights: Never underestimate the help of a qualified healthcare professional who can give you expert, personalised guidance to navigate the complexities of sensitive skin.

Cuticura face products for sensitive skin are available at all leading supermarkets and pharmacies nationwide, as well as on Takealot.

Still the One – since 1865.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the information provided on this site is for educational purposes only and does not provide a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for any questions or skin concerns.